Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Eggplant Recipe #1

So yesterday I bought a giant eggplant at the Farmer's Market and decided it was time to learn something about cooking eggplant. I've eaten it before in restaurants but I don't cook with it much at home so I decided to make it my Vegetable of the Week.

So after a little searching I found Broiled Eggplant in a Garlic Sauce. Yum. The recipe is so super simple. 

1 Eggplant
1 tsp miniced garlic
1 tbsp Soy Sauce
1tbsp Sesame Seed Oil
1 tbsp Rice Vinegar
Olive Oil

First you want to chop your eggplant into slices and salt the cut sides. I did some research anf you do this to cut down on the bitterness of eggplant.

Let the salted eggplant sit for 30 minutes and make your sauce. Combine the garlic, soy sauce, sesame seed oil and rice vinegar in a bowl. Once that is mixed and after the 30 minutes is finished turn your broiler on to high. I put aluminum foil on the bottom of my pan so I would have less clean up to do later. I washed off my eggplant and then brushed the top of each eggplant as I placed them in the pan. I only did 3 slices at a time because I didn't want to layer them. I wanted to make sure they all got equal heat. I placed them on the top shelf of the oven for 3 minutes. That's it. They cook really quickly. Next I flipped them and brushed them with olive oil and the sauce mixture. Another 3 minutes and voila! I added some spinach salad on the side with a little balsamic and olive oil.

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