Friday, July 27, 2012

Still Vegan

Still going strong as a vegan. I lost 15 lbs which is a huge motivator but I also feel a lot healthier. I hate to say it but I don't know much about my body. I'm terrible about doing check-ups but my family does have a history of heart disease and I think this diet is going to be a strong contributor in my fight against that.

I've also started reading some books. My first one is called The Vegan Girls Guide to Life. It goes into many of the reasons why people become a vegan, nutritional information, and some great tips and recipes. It is also really strong on girl power and features several female bloggers and business owners who are vegan. I made myself a reading list yesterday of some blogs so as I read them, I'll post the ones that stand out to me.

My boyfriend has been a lot more tolerant about this whole vegan thing too. We went to Gracias Madre last night for dinner which is a vegan Mexican restaurant. He took me to a vegetarian restaurant last month and it was the worst vegetarian food ever. It was vegetarian food by people who don't know how to make vegetarian food so I was hoping going to a good vegan restaurant would help him appreciate vegan a little more. Well, he stands by his previous place even though he complained about the food when we were there and thought Gracias Madre is just ok. I on the other hand enjoyed it. He did suggest we make vegan Mole tonight so big gold star to him. We ended our meal with a discussion about whether or not beer is vegan. I tried to explain that some beers use animal bi-products but he was stuck on the argument that no beer can be vegan because it contains yeast. Did I mention my boyfriend has aspirations of becoming a lawyer and loves any opportunity to practice arguing?

I will hopefully post a new recipe soon. I got really busy with work but I think it is slowing down again. I'm going to experiment with polenta and tempeh today. Yeah!

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